Last Update of this page: 24.09.2023
Current version:
V1.13 !!
(with 2 installation possibilities)
I'm currently working on a new release which will hopefully include a english version :-)
V1.13 (Build 137) vom 15.05.2003
If you are wondering what "T.W.U.S." stands for:
The answer is very easy: T.W.U.S. stands for: Teaclock - Wakeupclock - Universal clock - Stopwatch (for Win95/98/ME/2000/NT and XP)
It is one of this small programs you can use again and again (I hope):
and V1.09 and V1.10 and V1.11 and V1.12 rated with "exemplary" respectively "very good" at , at ,
at, and formerly at:
Many thanks to:
all users!!!
and to:
But basically T.W.U.S. is CrownCaps-Ware :-) - For information please consult the T.W.U.S. Online-Help!
My crown caps collection (a list in pdf-format) can be found under Crowncaps.
Please mail me under what you like or dislike of TWUS.
I'm grateful for tips and suggestions and bug reports!!
Nearly all user tips have gone into the version V1.13 - even if it took a long time :-(
Here you can see a screenshot of the teaclock function:
You use this small freeware program on your own risk.
Any liability is impossible. You accept this by downloading T.W.U.S. !
You can distribute TWUS as long as you want in any way (online or CD), as long as you:
a) charge no monbey especially for TWUS
b) the complete program package (twus.exe, twus.hlp, twus.cnt, file_id.diz or the setup file) is distributed unmodified
c) the Author gets a message (or a piece of evidence)
You have 2 possibilities for downloading TWUS (Version V1.13 (Build 137):
Possibility 1: download single files and manual installation
You don't need a high speed connection to download T.W.U.S. There are only 4 files:
a 167kB Exe-file and a 169kB help-file and a.1kB Content-file and a 3kB Info-file
=> packed in a 194kB Zip-file to download!
If you have no Zip-file unpack utility (as Winzip), here are the four files unpacked:
Exe-file for download (147kB)Hilfe-file for download (174kB)
Content-File (for the online help) for download (1kB)
Manual installation instructions:
De-Installation instructions:
Possibility 2: Setup-Routine
To ease installation you can now use the Setup-file.
Advantage: easier installation, automatic deinstall possible
Disadvantage: bigger file (543kB) for download, but still no high speed internet connection needed ;-)
How to? => Download the following file ....
T.W.U.S.-Setup V1.13 (Build137) for download (498kB)
... and start it, the rest is easy.
Thanks to Simon Jäger (Programmer of the Multi-Clock (a TWUS-"follow-up") for the tip with Inno-Setup!!
Suggestions and bug reports are welcome under
and donations surely too :-) - and crown caps or mails, which tell me that T.W.U.S. is used.