Last Update of this page: 04.01.2025

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Mike's Homepage - Start-Page


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Hello dear Friends - Welcome!



My small homepage - no big effects - but info's for crown caps collectors,

a small teaclock - Freewareprogram (T.W.U.S.), a tool to prepare caps pictures - scan_kk (here),

some links, some astro pictures - that's all (for the moment :-) ).


For caps trade please see the crown caps trading section (04.01.2025) => (Trading Caps )
(now with a better indication to the unused caps)

Please take a look, from which countries I like to have some caps ( => (Crown Caps)


Latest version of T.W.U.S.: V1.13 (Build 137) !!!
(T.W.U.S.) German version only at the moment (sorry)!!

But I'm working on an updated version :-))



Here a very, very long awaited heartly thank you to dear friends and colleagues,
who thought of me during trips and journeys and brought lovely crown caps with them

Thank you very much !!

Annika, Angela, Elke, Gaston, Stephi, Pia, Meike, Holger K., Holger B., Joachim, Sabine S., Willi,
Sabine K., Stephan, Tobi, Dani, Andreas, Krischi, Krischan, Klaus K., Klaus O.,
Ronald, Eike, Daniel, Donald, Michael, Richard, Jan, Hammi, Thomas, Mathias, Horst, Uschi,
Max, Johannes, Stephan F., Rolf, Ole, Krzysztof, Anke, Carsten, Wolfgang, Marit, Hendrik
Peter, Karin, Günter, Michael P., Reiner, Clemens, Volker, Kerstin, Andreas St., Ulli M., Ulli S.,
Stephan O., Olli, Christian, Gisela, Oli H. aus B., Dieter, Joachim B., Günter O., Jörg, Ilonka, Niko,
Karin Sch., Pascal, Volker, Rina, Michael M., Wilhelm, Heidrun, Lothar, Sören, Thomas K., Stefan E.,
Stefan Ob., Harald B., Simon B., Freia, Randolf, Kai R., Holger N., Ralf, Volker H., Olaf, Guido, Daniela, Lars,
David, Keno, Thorben, Wolfgang H., Markus, Arian, Oliver, Hajue

and all whom I forgot here thanks




ATTENTION dear Crown Cap Collectors!!

The new Version newV1.0.12 of Scan_kk is ready :-)

For a easy "cutting out" and "rotation!!"of crown cap pictures!

now with scanner support and loading of Jpeg pictures!

For further information, screenshots and download please take a look at: Scan_kk

Hint: please take a look at my new trade caps ;-)

"Search-pictures" of unknown caps (help welcome) => (Crown Caps)

A warm thank you to everybody for the help up to now :-) !!!

Hurray !!!

Over new36.826 caps (many thanks Art Z. for Nr. 10.000 and Udo for Nr. 12.000 and Guido for Nr. 13.000 and me for Nr. 15.000 and Andy for Nr. 16000 and Holger for Nr. 17.000 and Eckhard for Nr. 18.000 and neighbor Michi for Nr. 19.000 (Klaus and Eike: it was a very close run, many thanks anyway!!) ;-) and Eike for Nr. 19.999 and Joachim B. for Nr. 20.000 and Joachim S., Sabine S. and Willi for Nr. 21.000 and Fabio for Nr. 22.000 and Victor for Nr. 23.000 and Wolfgang Sch. for Nr. 24.000 and Fabio for Nr. 25.000 and Fabio for Nr 26.000 und einige neue Länder und Benji for Nr. 27.000 und Dietmar for Nr. 28.000 and Jörg for Nr. 29.000 and Dietmar & Han for Nr. 30.000 (*) and Dietmar for Nr. 31.000 and Hubert for Nr. 32.0000 and ? at the trade meeting in Hamburg (2022) for Nr. 33.000 and Rüdiger for Nr. 34.000) and ? at the trade meeting in Hirschaid (2024) for Nr. 35.000 and ? at the trade meeting in Noordhorn (2024) for Nr. 36.000 ... from 188 different countries and I hope the collection will continue to grow ;-)

(*) both packages arrived on the same day, so I could not decide ;-)

a lot of work ...

Rating T.W.U.S. today:

(the links go to the TWUS-pages (if possible))

3,4 of 5 points (Heise) at c't (Verlag Heise) Ct

Ranking: at



finally 5 stars by editorial staff (ZDnet and = Maximum = exemplary) and 78% by users at

finally good ((früher 1.0 )) at

finally shown at

finally shown at (T.W.U.S.)

finally (V1.09) 5.1 points (= very good) at (T.W.U.S.)

finally excellent (1.6) at

finally "very good" at

finally User vote: okay at

9 of 10 points () at see under Büro => Verwaltung

finally User vote: Shareware Voting 3,75 of 5 stars at Shareware

finally TWUS : 4,1 of 5 stars () at



"Stay tuned"

LaLa-Opa, Pony-Omi, Tick-Tack Omi, Tick-Tack-Opa and Hamburg-Oma und -Opa and Fiete and Fienchen and Phiona and Paulinchen

we will always remember you !!!!


Current Status:

Home : 4. January 2025

Astro : 8. August 2024

Email : 24. September 2007

Imprint : 4. January 2025

Links : 8. August 2024

T.W.U.S. : 24. September 2023

Scan_kk: 29. September 2023

Crown Caps: 4. January 2025

Trading Caps : 4. January 2025

Trading Partner: 4. January 2025